Department of Anatomy and Histology

The Department of Anatomy and Histology is one of the basic science Departments at the College of Medicine-Qassim University. The Department teaches gross human Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Neuroanatomy and Cell Biology. In its broader sense, Anatomy is essential for the understanding of body structure and function; a requisite for recognition of the disease process and practice of Medicine. In addition to students of the College of medicine; the Department takes the responsibility for teaching of the other health colleges (dentistry, pharmacy, rehabilitation, applied medical science and nursing). Educational strategies include interactive lectures and lab demonstration to support the integrated learning through problem based learning and team based learning. Cadaveric and plastinated human specimens, plastic models, tissue sections under microscope, videos, DVDs and electronic computer laboratories are used. The Department maintains an Anatomy museum visited by graduates and undergraduates.

The interest of the Department in research is directed towards experimental embryology and histological changes caused by drugs/chemical substances and the possible functional effect of these changes. The Department is equipped with advanced research technology. The number of publications of the members of the Department in leading international periodicals is considerable.

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